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Industry trends that change


AI, VR, IoT and co. – experts predict an upswing for the industry and show us the trends for 2024. What can we expect? Will AI, automation and quantum computing really revolutionize the world of tomorrow? Most likely.

Industry 4.0 is in full swing and is constantly evolving with new applications and technological possibilities. Automation and robotics are shaping production facilities around the world and the market for industrial robots is also set to grow in 2024. However, robotics is no longer only found in factories, but also as a vacuum cleaner in the home.

The underlying AI/machine learning is developing rapidly and is used in the automotive industry, the financial sector and medicine, among others. For example, AI could soon transform the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Green technology is also on the rise, including intelligent energy management systems and recycling programs for electronics.

At Photocad, the creation of digital structures and fully automated systems for finishing, deburring and cleaning SMT stencils has led to increased product quality, throughput and reliability. We will therefore remain open to technological progress in 2024 and are looking forward to future developments.

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