
More economical and efficient production through AI


The industry of the future must manufacture energy-efficiently and sustainably – but also with the help of artificial intelligence?

The German Research Foundation for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is the largest institute of its kind in the world. In its own “Smart Factory,” robots, autonomous vehicles and self-learning computer programs work hand in hand with humans. With the aim of making industrial manufacturing processes more efficient and optimizing the use of resources.

The vision: sustainable customization instead of short-lived mass production. To do this, DFKI’s robots are equipped with intelligently networked systems and recognize which requirements and resources exist and how to prevent errors and repairs that endanger production.

A digital marketplace could also be used to lend out free capacities across plants. Production and delivery bottlenecks would thus be a thing of the past, at least in theory.

Robots have been used in industry for years, but their level of artificial intelligence is still far from the researchers’ vision of the future. To advance robotics, one thing is certain to be permanently needed for electronics manufacturing: high-precision SMT whose quality can be relied upon.

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